The Minimal Local-Asperity Hypothesis of Early Retinal Lateral Inhibition

Recently we found that the theories related to information theory existent in the literature cannot explain the behavior of the extent of the lateral inhibition mediated by retinal horizontal cells as a function of background light intensity. These theories can explain the fall of the extent from intermediate to high intensities, but not its rise from dim to intermediate intensities. We propose an alternate hypothesis that accounts for the extent's bell-shape behavior. This hypothesis proposes that the lateral-inhibition adaptation in the early retina is part of a system to extract several image attributes, such as occlusion borders and contrast. To do so, this system would use prior probabilistic knowledge about the biological processing and relevant statistics in natural images. A key novel statistic used here is the probability of the presence of an occlusion border as a function of local contrast. Using this probabilistic knowledge, the retina would optimize the spatial profile of lateral inhibition to minimize attribute-extraction error. The two significant errors that this minimization process must reduce are due to the quantal noise in photoreceptors and the straddling of occlusion borders by lateral inhibition. Recently we found that the theories related to information theory existent in the literature cannot explain the behavior of the extent of the lateral inhibition mediated by retinal horizontal cells as a function of background light intensity. These theories can explain the fall of the extent from intermediate to high intensities, but not its rise from dim to intermediate intensities. We propose an alternate hypothesis that accounts for the extent's bell-shape behavior. This hypothesis proposes that the lateral-inhibition adaptation in the early retina is part of a system to extract several image attributes, such as occlusion borders and contrast. To do so, this system would use prior probabilistic knowledge about the biological processing and relevant statistics in natural images. A key novel statistic used here is the probability of the presence of an occlusion border as a function of local contrast. Using this probabilistic knowledge, the retina would optimize the spatial profile of lateral inhibition to minimize attribute-extraction error. The two significant errors that this minimization process must reduce are due to the quantal noise in photoreceptors and the straddling of occlusion borders by lateral inhibition. Recently we found that the theories related to information theory existent in the literature cannot explain the behavior of the extent of the lateral inhibition mediated by retinal horizontal cells as a function of background light intensity. These theories can explain the fall of the extent from intermediate to high intensities, but not its rise from dim to intermediate intensities. We propose an alternate hypothesis that accounts for the extent's bell-shape behavior. This hypothesis proposes that the lateral-inhibition adaptation in the early retina is part of a system to extract several image attributes, such as occlusion borders and contrast. To do so, this system would use prior probabilistic knowledge about the biological processing and relevant statistics in natural images. A key novel statistic used here is the probability of the presence of an occlusion border as a function of local contrast. Using this probabilistic knowledge, the retina would optimize the spatial profile of lateral inhibition to minimize attribute-extraction error. The two significant errors that this minimization process must reduce are due to the quantal noise in photoreceptors and the straddling of occlusion borders by lateral inhibition.