Evacuation of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hematoma by a Stereotactic Technique

30 patients with a hypertensive intracerebral hematoma were treated by stereotactic evacuation between 1986 and 1988. There were 20 males and 10 females; their ages ranged from 37 to 78 years. The time interval from onset to operation was in 16 patients 24 days and in 14 patients 2–7 days. In 19 patients the hematoma was found in the internal capsule, in 5 in the cerebellum, in 4 in the subcortex, and in 2 in the brain stem. The operation was performed with a Leksell computed tomography guided stereotactic apparatus and a Backlund hematoma evacuator. More than 80% of the hematoma could be aspirated in 20 patients and 60–80% in 10. 29 patients are alive, and 1 patient died.