CDC/HRSA HIV/AIDS Intervention, Prevention, and Continuity of Care Demonstration Project for Incarcerated Individuals Within Correctional Settings and the Community: Part I, A Description of Corrections Demonstration Project Activities

This paper is the first in a series describing the HIV/AIDS Intervention, Prevention, and Continuity of Care Demonstration Project for Incarcerated Individuals Within Correctional Settings and the Community, a multisite HIV care and prevention transitional service delivery project funded jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Health departments from six states (California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York) and one city (Chicago, Illinois) were awarded funding for their demonstration projects and have implemented activities in prisons, jails, juvenile facilities, and other corrections-related settings. This paper describes many of the activities implemented in these seven sites and highlights settings and approaches to service delivery that are unique.