ΛPolarization at 90° inK+ΛPhotoproduction

The Λ polarization and the differential cross section for the reaction γ+pK++Λ have been measured, using the Caltech synchrotron, at 90° in the c.m. system and at laboratory photon energies of 1100, 1200, and 1300 MeV. Protons from the asymmetric decay of the Λ were detected by counters placed above and below the production plane. Kaons were identified by their behavior in a thick range telescope. Polarization results were PΛ=+0.34±0.09 at 1100 MeV, +0.30±0.07 at 1200 MeV, and +0.08±0.07 at 1300 MeV, where PΛ was measured in the p^γ×p^Λ direction. The differential cross section was constant with energy at 0.14±0.01 μb/sr. Although the apparent bump in the polarization at 90° at a total energy of 1700 MeV adds support to models which invoke a resonance here, no really new conclusions can be reached.

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