SU(3) flavor breaking in hadronic matrix elements forBB¯oscillations

Results in the quenched approximation for SU(3) breaking ratios of the heavy-light decay constants and the ΔF=2 mixing matrix elements are reported. Using lattice simulations at 6/g2=5.7, 5.85, 6.0, and 6.3, we directly compute the mixing matrix element Mhl=Phl|h¯γμ(1γ5)lh¯γμ(1γ5)l|Phl. Extrapolating to the physical B meson states, B0 and Bs0, we obtain Mbs/Mbd=1.76(10)42+57 in the continuum limit. The systematic error includes the errors within the quenched approximation but not the errors of quenching. We also obtain the ratio of decay constants, fbs/fbd=1.17(2)6+12. For the B parameters we find Bbs(2GeV)=Bbd(2GeV)=1.02(13); we cannot resolve the SU(3) breaking effects in this case.
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