Identification of differentially expressed genes in psoriasis using expression profiling approaches

To identify differentially expressed genes which play causal roles in pathogenesis and maintenance for psoriasis, we used BodyMapping and introduced amplified fragment length polymorphism approaches. From the BodyMap database, we selected 2007 genes which specifically expressed in epithelial tissues. Among 2007 genes, we surveyed genes which differentially expressed in involved or uninvolved psoriatic lesional skin samples compared with atopic dermatitis, mycosis fungoides, and normal skin samples. As a result of surveying 2007 genes, 241 genes were differentially expressed only in involved psoriatic skin but not in the other samples. Hierarchical cluster analysis of gene expression profiles showed that 13 independent psoriatic‐involved skin samples clustered tightly together, reflecting highly similar expression profiles. Using the same 2007 gene set, we examined gene expression levels in five serial lesions from distal uninvolved psoriatic skin to involved psoriatic plaque. We identified seven genes such as alpha‐1‐microglobulin/bikunin precursor, calnexin, claudin 1, leucine zipper down‐regulated in cancer 1, tyrosinase‐related protein 1, Yes‐associated protein 1, and unc‐13‐like protein (Coleonyx elegans) which show high‐expression levels only in uninvolved psoriatic lesions. These seven genes, which were reported to be related to apoptosis or antiproliferation, might have causal roles in pathophysiology in psoriasis.