Disturbed gastric and small intestinal motility is an often overlooked clinical problem. Delayed gastric emptying of liquid and/or solid food in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (gastroparesis diabeticorum) occurs in approximately 50% of the patients. Also, the interdigestive gastric and small intestinal motility is often affected. There is only a weak correlation between symptoms and objectively measurable motor disturbances. Patients with severe upper gastrointestinal symptoms usually have disturbed motility, but most patients with impaired motility are asymptomatic. Recent studies have clearly shown that, in addition to autonomic neuropathy, acute metabolic derangements are likely to contribute to disturbed motility. Elevated glucose levels impair gastric and small intestinal motility during fasting and after food intake. Hyperinsulinemia per se has effects similar to hyperglycaemia on the stomach and small bowel, and may be a mediator of the effects of hyperglycaemia in healthy subjects. The impact of insulin on motility in diabetic patients is still unclear. Treatment of the gastric motility disorder should include a stabilization of gastric emptying. Different therapeutic modes may be useful, e.g. application of prokinetic drugs and optimizing the metabolic situation.