Occupational chronic exposure to metals

External and internal chromate exposure of 103 stainless steel welders who were using manual metal arc welding (MMA), metal inert gas welding (MIG) and both methods, were measured by ambient and biological monitoring. At the working places the maximum chromium trioxide concentrations were 80 μg/m3. The median values were 4 μg/m3 (MMA) and 10 μg/m3 (MIG). The median chromium concentrations in erythrocytes, plasma and urine of all welders were < 0.60, 9.00 and 32.50 μg/l. For biological monitoring purposes, chromium levels in erythrocytes and simultaneously in plasma seem to be suitable parameters. According to our results, chromium levels in plasma and urine in the order of 10 and 40 μg/l seem to correspond to an external exposure of 100 μg chromium trioxide per cubic metre, the technical guiding concentration (TRK-value). Chromium concentrations in erythrocytes greater than 0.60 μg/l indicate an external chromate exposure greater than the TRK-value.