A new quantitative method for oral vaccination of killed cells and persistence of the vaccination against fecal excretion of Yersinia enterocolitica.

Mice were orally vaccinated and challenged with Yersinia enterocolitica 03 strain to determine the precise amount of killed bacterial cells, the number of doses and the interval for efficient oral vaccination. The rate of protection against fecal excretion reached 100% in the mice receiving three doses. Among the mice immunized with three doses, the rate of protection reached 100% in three groups of mice vaccinated with a total amount of 500 mg at 7-day intervals, or 250 mg at 7-day intervals, or at 4-day intervals. Mice were challenged after three doses of oral vaccine of a total amount of 250 mg of the killed cells at 4-day intervals to know persistence of the protection. The bacteria challenged 1 week to 6 months after the final vaccination were significantly blocked from colonizing in the intestines. Challenge 2 or 3 weeks after the final vaccination provided mice the maximum protection rate of 100%. There was a significant increase in the rate of mice excreting the bacteria 6 months after the final vaccination.

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