GPS and GIS for Weed Surveys and Management

Global positioning systems (GPS) technology, developed by the Department of Defense, enable accurate documentation of Cartesian coordinates anywhere on the earth's surface. Surveying, mapping, positioning, and subsequent management of weed infestations can be expedited with this technology. Positions and boundaries of infestation may be located with 10-m or better accuracy while the GPS receiver is continuously moving, and with 2-m or better accuracy with brief stops for repeated sampling. GPS data agreed closely with U.S. Geological Survey data. Coordinates for a weed infestation may be relocated for treatment, evaluation or other purposes. Basic geographic information systems (GIS) map features from Digital Line Graph (DLG), Topologically Integrated Encoding and Reference Systems (TIGER) and other sources of information may be used to fully integrate delimiting survey results from GPS readings in order to develop weed management plans.

This publication has 1 reference indexed in Scilit:

  • Introduction
    Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 1990