In Solanum tuberosum the production by parthenogenesis of 2x plants with 24 chromosomes, and the regeneration of microspores of such dihaploids to yield monohaploid (1x) plants is reproducibly possible, at least for some specific genotypes. Experiments are described using tissue culture techniques in an applied breeding program with the main aim of increasing the level of resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida (Stone) and to the potato viruses X, Y and leaf roll. These resistances follow quantitative as well as qualitative modes of inheritance. Using anther culture it is demonstrated that doubled monohaploid clones can be produced which possess the resistance in the homozygous condition. In both ways of inheritance the ratio of resistant clones is rather high. The genotype of the anther donor plant has, however, a strong influence on the total number of androgenetic plants which can be regenerated. Therefore, experiments were initiated with the aim of integrating this capacity for regeneration (tissue culture ability) into valuable genotypes. The results show that the potentiality for regeneration is under genetic control and can be utilized by combination breeding. Its inheritance and physiological basis, as well as the behaviour of complete homozygous clones, is discussed.