Miospores were obtained from eight surface and borehole sections in central Yukon Territory. Forms such as Vittatina, Protohaploxypinus, Striato‐podocarpites, Striatoabietites, Potonieisporites, Limittisporites and Cycadopites, attest to the Permian age of these collections. Associated foraminifers and brachiopods confirm the Permian age of the miospore assemblages. Underlying these Permian rocks are strata dated as mid‐Pennsylvanian on the bases of brachiopods and fusulinids (Pseudostaffella, Fusulinella, and Profusulinella). A miospore assemblage similar to that above, containing Vittatina and numerous striate saccate forms occurs with these mid‐Pennsylvanian fossils. As yet no “typical” Pennsylvanian assemblages have been recovered.

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