The ventricular systolic pressure-volume area correlates well with myocardial oxygen consumption. However, in isolated muscle preparations, there are experimental data based on both mechanical and energetic measurements that suggest that the pressure-volume area concept may not obtain. In the present study, force-length area, the analog of pressure-volume area for a linear muscle, was examined in the ferret papillary muscle preparation under a wide range of loading conditions. There were two major findings: first, force-length area is closely correlated with oxygen consumption (r = 0.94-0.98); this correlation is better than those for such other indexes as peak force and force-time integral. Furthermore, this relation of oxygen consumption with force-length area is independent of the mode of contraction (isometric or shortening), while the relations with the other indexes are not. Second, quick release imposed after end-systole during isometric contraction was found to curtail oxygen consumption. The firs...