Dual-Electrode Detection for Capillary Electrophoresis/Electrochemistry

The extremely low sample volumes required for capillary electrophoresis and the high sensitivity and selectivity of electrochemical detection make capillary electrophoresis/ electrochemistry (CEEC) a very useful method for bioanalysis. In this paper, two types of dual-electrode detectors for CEEC are described. The first employs a ring-disk microelectrode placed in a wall-jet configuration and is used for the selective detection of substances undergoing chemically reversible oxidations. Collection efficiencies obtained for catecholamines with this configuration were between 25 and 35%. The second electrode design consists of two adjacent carbon fibers embedded in an epoxy matrix and is analogous to the parallel dual-electrode configuration used in liquid chromatography/electrochemistry. This configuration can be used to confirm peak identity and purity by operating the electrodes at two different potentials. Alternatively, it is possible to perform simultaneous oxidative and reductive electrochemical detection.