An Experimentally Fitted and Simple Model for the Pores in Nuclepore Membranes

The porosities (percentage of empty volume over the total volume) of several Nuclepore membranes are measured by means of a pycnometric method which is shown. If cylindrical pores are assumed, the porosities can be calculated from the surface pore densities and mean pore radii, both measured by microscopy. The disagreement between these two methods implies that the pores are not cylindrical in shape. A model is proposed that assumes an internal pore radius, rr different from the external one, re (mean pore radius). When it is assumed that there is a mean angle, φ, between the pores and the membrane surface, this angle can be calculated if we assume that the experimental surface pore density is the maximum one compatible with the model. From a comparison of calculated and experimental φ, the maximization of the surface pore density can be tested.

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