In this article, only the idiopathic variety of disseminate palmar and plantar keratoderma is considered. This variety may be familial or nonfamilial ; the familial cases are represented by those originally described by Brauer1 under the title keratoma dissipatum bereditarium palmare et plantare, and the latter, by those first recorded by Buschke and Fischer,2 with the designation keratodermia maculosa disseminata palmaris et plantaris. Whether or not these titles should be accepted as synonyms for a single clinical entity has been a matter of some controversy, but most authors (Fuhs, Rinsema, Sklarz and Neuber) favor the affirmative view. The clinical and histologic characteristics of the anomaly are well known through the papers of Sweitzer3 and Lieberthal4 in this country and by those of Fuhs,5 Brann,6 Sklarz,7 Rinsema,8 Galloway,9 Balzer10 and Neuber11 in foreign countries. This list comprises only some of