A theory of erosion and deposition as a consequence of subglacial sediment deformation over beds of unlithified sediment is reviewed and applied to large-scale till sequences formed on the southern flanks of the North American and British and European ice sheets during the last glacial cycle. The distribution of till thickness, till lithology in relation to source materials and intra-till erosion surfaces along a flowline in the Michigan lobe of the North American ice sheet are shown to be compatible with the deformational theory but not with other modes of till genesis. It is then demonstrated, in the case of the British ice sheet, how the assumption of a deformational origin for tills can be used to infer time-dependent patterns of ice-sheet dynamic behaviour. By reference to an example from the Netherlands, it is argued that many till sequences interpreted as melt-out tills are more likely to have formed by subglacial sediment deformation.