Volatile fatty acid isolated from nine samples of peripheral blood from four cows contained, on a molecular basis, from 90.0 to 97.0 per cent. of acetic acid (mean 93.3 per cent.). The remainder comprised, as mean values, propionic acid, 2.39 per cent.; butyric acid, 2.61 per cent.; and a group of at least three acids between butyric and octanoic, 1.84 per cent. The significance of the high proportion of acetic acid in the volatile fatty acid of bovine peripheral blood is discussed. Only traces of esterified acids lower than octanoic could be found in bovine blood lipides. Volatile fatty acids were found also in the blood of the rabbit, guinea pig, horse, and pig and in human plasma. Here again a high proportion of acetic acid was recorded. Volatile fatty acid isolated from nine samples of ruminal contents from two cows contained on a molecular basis from 52.3 to 69.0 per cent. of acetic acid (mean 60.0 per cent.). The remainder comprised, as mean values, propionic acid, 21.8 per cent.; butyric acid, 14.4 per cent.; and acids higher than butyric (apparently largely valeric and hesanoic), 3.8 per cent. This limited number of analyses indicated no gross effect of type of feed on the proportion of the acids in the rumen.