Presence of Allergenic Proteins in Different Peach (Prunus persica) Cultivars and Dependence of Their Content on Fruit Ripening

It has been reported that various cultivars of fruits and vegetables may present a different pattern for the contained allergens. Here, we report on the different content in allergenic proteins for different peach (Prunus persica) cultivars, sampled during two consecutive harvest seasons. Fruits from six cultivars of peaches were harvested fully ripe, and the proteins extracted from whole or chemically peeled fruits were analyzed by SDS−PAGE and immunoblotting. All the protein extracts from whole fruit contained a 9 kDa protein. This protein proved to be absent in the extracts taken from chemically peeled fruit. In four cultivars, this protein corresponds to the allergen Pru p3, a lipid transfer protein that causes the oral allergy syndrome (OAS) in sensitized people. In the following year, fruits from four of the six cultivars of peaches studied previously were harvested at different times, at one and two weeks before the commercial ripening time and when fully ripe, to ascertain whether the presence of the 9 kDa allergen might be related to the ripening process. Two cultivars out of four produced an intense allergenic band corresponding to a 9 kDa protein already two weeks before the commercial ripening date, while the others showed a progressive increment of the 9 kDa allergen during ripening. Keywords: Prunus persica; cultivars; allergen; fruit ripening; oral allergy syndrome (OAS)