Peroxiredoxin Evolution and the Regulation of Hydrogen Peroxide Signaling

Eukaryotic 2-Cys peroxiredoxins (2-Cys Prxs) not only act as antioxidants, but also appear to regulate hydrogen peroxide–mediated signal transduction. We showthat bacterial 2-Cys Prxs are much less sensitive to oxidative inactivation than are eukaryotic 2-Cys Prxs. By identifying two sequence motifs unique to the sensitive 2-Cys Prxs and comparing the crystal structure of a bacterial 2-Cys Prx at 2.2 angstrom resolution with other Prx structures, we define the structural origins of sensitivity. We suggest this adaptation allows 2-Cys Prxs to act as floodgates, keeping resting levels of hydrogen peroxide low, while permitting higher levels during signal transduction.