Parental adenovirus DNA accumulates in nucleosome-like structures in infected cells

Micrococcal-nuclease digestion of adenovirus 2(ad 2) infected HeLa cell nuclei early after infection has been used to investigate the nucleoprotein nature of parental viral DNA. Viral DNA is more susceptible to nuclease digestion than cellular DNA. The pattern of digestion products changes as digestion proceeds from an indistinct pattern 1 hour post infection(pi) to a nucleosome-like pattern at 6 hours pi. The major differences between viral and cellular nucleoprotein products were i) a subnucleosome fraction from viral DNA and ii) the repeat size of DNA in viral nucleosomes was 165 base pairs and in cellular nucleosomes, 195 base pairs. Up to 50% viral DNA in nuclei 6 hours pi seems to be in nucleosome-like structures. Such patterns are not seen on digestion of partially-uncoated virus or isolated cores.