Foraminiferal stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits in boring no. 51.12 Anholt, Kattegat

Material from a 229 m deep boring on the island of Anholt in the central part of the Kattegat has been stratigraphically analysed on the basis of its foraminiferal content. Due to the lack of casing in the main part of the bore hole, only very few core samples and some samples from the drilling bit were not contaminated. The results of the foraminiferal analyses have, therefore, to be treated with some reservation. The boring did not penetrate the Quaternary. The bottom 143 m of the boring represents deposits of pre-Eemian, possibly Saalian age. This interval seems to contain three marine interstadials, Anholt 1, 2 and 3, of which the upper interstadial is the warmest. Tills and glaciofluvial sediments are found between the marine sequences. The Eemian is represented by 13 m of marine deposits, which can be correlated with Eemian deposits known from other localities in the Vendsyssel-Kattegat region. They correspond to the Lower Turritella terebra Zone of the Skærumhede Series. The Early Weichselian and the lower part of the Middle Weichselian are missing, while the upper part of the Middle Weichselian, 32 m in all, is represented by marine deposits corresponding to foraminiferal zones known from the Vennebjerg Stadial and the Sandnes lnterstadial in the Vendsyssel-Kattegat region. These Middle Weichselian zones correspond to the upper part of the Portlandia arctica Zone of the Skærumhede Series. The non-marine sequence on top of these deposits is considered to be glacial, belonging to the main Weichselian glacial event. Holocene littoral sands and gravels terminate the Quaternary sequence at Anholt.

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