Outcome of Reproduction in Women Irradiated for Skin Hemangioma in Infancy

The possible impact of early gonadal irradiation on the results of future pregnancies is unclear. This study is based on the progeny of 17,393 women who were treated with irradiation for skin hemangiomas at the age of 18 months or less. The mean ovarian dose was 6 cGy, and the maximum was 8.55 Gy. Using Swedish central health registers, the outcome of delivery was studied in these women; 19,494 infants born were identified. The treated women deviated from the general population by having a longer education and by smoking less. This may explain a reduced risk for low birth weight and preterm birth (not related to radiation dose). Women with ovarian doses greater than 1 cGy had fewer infants than women with a lower ovarian dose. An excess of perinatal deaths was evident as well as a slight excess in the rate of malformation, but neither was related to dose. There was a statistically significant trend of an increasing rate of neural tube defects with ovarian dose, possibly a chance result of multiple statistical testing. Cleft lip/palate occurred at levels significantly below expectation. No increase in the rate of infants with Down syndrome or in childhood malignancies was detected. No major adverse results in outcome of delivery were seen after ovarian irradiation in childhood with the possible exception of neural tube defects.

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