Nitrogen and Lignin Content as Predictors of Litter Decay Rates: A Microcosm Test

Decomposition rates of leaf litter have been predicted from the leaves' lignin or nutrient (N or P) contents, the C:N ratio, and more recently the lignin:N ratio. But tests of these predictors have been based on groups of substrates each spanning only part of the natural range of lignin contents, and neglecting low—lignin (2) from 2 to 4 mo decomposition, while those of N content grew worse, illustrating succession of nitrogen to lignin control of decomposition rate. Reported correlations of the lignin: N ratio with decomposition rate for some litter types arise as a special case of this two—phase mechanism of control by nutrients and lignin. For substrates low in lignin, or where a broad range of lignin contents is being considered, the C:N ratio is a better predictor of decomposition rate than the lignin:N ratio.