Increased expression of Ia antigens on resting B cells: an additional role for B-cell growth factor.

The present studies demonstrate that both T-cell-derived supernatants containing B-cell growth factor (BCGF or BSF) and a partially purified preparation of the B-cell growth factor (BSF-p1) induce an increase in the expression of IA and IE-encoded antigens on small resting B cells. This increase is detectable by 6-8 hr after initiation of culture and is relatively selective, since levels of surface immunoglobulin and H-2 antigens do not increase to the same extent. Although interferon-gamma induces increased expression of Ia antigens on macrophages and dividing neoplastic B cells, it does not induce an increase in the expression of Ia antigens on resting B cells. These results demonstrate that BSF-p1 may play two roles: (i) it acts on resting B cells to increase the levels of Ia antigen expression; and (ii) it sustains the growth of B cells that have been previously activated with mitogens, antigens, or anti-Ig.