Constitutive Modeling in Analysis of Concrete Structures

Although significant progress on the modeling of concrete behavior has been made in recent years, no unified treatment of the existing mathematical models from which a comprehensive three‐dimensional constitutive model can be formulated, has been attempted. This paper summarizes our recent efforts in developing a relatively comprehensive and sophisticated model for progressive failure analysis of concrete structures. The main features of the proposed short‐term, time‐independent constitutive model include the most sophisticated Willam‐Warnke five‐parameter or Hsieh‐Ting‐Chen four‐parameter failure surface, the nonuniform hardening rule, the nonassociated flow rule with changing dilatancy factor, linear softening for post‐cracking in tension, and multiaxial softening for post‐failure in compression. The present model accounts for the hydrostatic pressure sensitivity and Lode angle dependence behavior of concrete, not only in its strength criterion, but also in its hardening characteristics. The model is su...

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