Quantification of random genomic mutations

Cancer cells contain numerous clonal mutations. It has been theorized that malignant cells sustain an elevated mutation rate and, as a consequence, harbor yet larger numbers of random point mutations. Testing this hypothesis has been precluded by lack of an assay to measure random mutations—that is, mutations that occur in only one or a few cells of a population. We have established a method that has permitted us to detect and identify rare random mutations in human cells, at a frequency of 1 per 108 base pairs. The assay is based on gene capture, by hybridization with a uracil-containing probe, followed by magnetic separation. Mutations that render the mutational target sequence non-cleavable by a restriction enzyme are quantified by dilution to single molecules and real-time quantitative PCR amplification. The assay can be extended to quantify mutation in any DNA-based organism, at different sites in the genome, in introns and exons, in unselected and selected genes, and in proliferating and quiescent cells.