Hematoxylin Substitutes Gallein as a Biological Stain

Gallein, hitherto seldom used in histological staining, semes excellently in iron metachrome mixture as a nuclear stain, and with ferrous solfate can give striking detail to muscle axxis striation, at the same time staining erythragtes, myainated nerve fibers and cutaneous and vascular elastin. Metabme mixtures with alnminnm and chromium are relatively ineffective, that with phosphotungstic acid gives stnmg magmta staining withmt the red blue dichroism shown by hematoxyliu. In the Clara reaction iton is well shown; enterochromaffin dog react, but not as well as with hematoxylin; the keratin Ptoreim, react well; the eosinophil leucocyte granule stains moderately gay purple. Young mammalian elastin that colors blue with hematoxylii failed to stain with gallein. If currat difficulties with metachrome iron hemaboxylim continue, gallein can afford an effective replacement.

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