Lipid Peroxidation and Vitamin E in Red Blood Cells and Plasma in Hemodialysis Patients Under rhEPO Treatment

Lipid peroxidation, measured by malonyldial-dehyde (MDA) and vitamin E in red blood cells (RBC) and plasma, was investigated in 25 hemodialysis (HD) patients before and after 6 months rhEPO therapy. RBC-MDA was significantly elevated, but plasma MDA was in the reference range. After recombinant human erythro-poietin (rhEPO) treatment, the MDA level was significantly decreased in both compartments. Marked vitamin E deficiency was established in RBC as well as in plasma. rhEPO therapy restored vitamin E levels in both compartments. Our data suggest a possible positive rhEPO-antioxidant effect in HD patients.