Accurate determination ofsin2θ^W(mZ)

A radiative correction Δr^W linking directly the ―MS (modified minimal-subtraction scheme) parameter sin2θ^W(mZ) to Gμ, α, and mW is introduced. Its dependence on mt and mH is very weak. Employing mW=80.11±0.31 GeV (obtained from the direct and Rν measurements of mWmZ in conjunction with mZ) and allowing the range 78mt200 GeV, 10 GeVmH1 TeV leads to sin2θ^W(mZ)=0.2327±0.0018±0.0007 (the first error arises from mW, the second reflects the mt,mH uncertainty), in very good agreement with the corresponding value sin2θ^W(mZ)=0.2327±0.0012±0.0021 obtained from mZ. Implications for the Z0 asymmetries and the possible use of the mW determination in extensions of the standard model involving Higgs triplets are outlined.