A new intra-oral screw jack

A new pattern of screwjack for assessing the vertical dimension for occlusion utilizing an edentulous patient's proprioceptive sensation is described. It provides a greater range of movement than other, giving infinitely variable heights between 9 and 21 mm. The elements being captive, it cannot come to pieces in use. Laboratory experiments were contrived to define the magnitude of reading errors and the play in the screw threads. It was found that, only in instances where a graduation related closely to the datum mark, did errors of interpretation arise. These were found to exceed the height set for test purposes by 0-1 mm consistently. An error of this order is of no practical significance clinically and is no impediment to such an application of the device. Mean play in the new pattern jacks was 0-01 mm compared to 0-05 mm in the Timmer versions. In a clinical experiment the performance of the screw was compared to that of Timmer. Statistical evidence was found which suggested a functional difference between the two, the new pattern being significantly more accurate.