The occurrence ofMycoplasma conjunctivaein the Netherlands and its association with infectious keratoconjunctivitis in sheep and goats

The occurrence of Mycoplasma conjunctivae in the Netherlands is reported for the first time. M. conjunctivae was detected in all five sheep flocks examined with clinical signs of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) and in none of five sheep flocks without these clinical signs. These observations suggest a primary aetiological role of this organism in IKC in the Netherlands. M. conjunctivae was also detected on a goat farm with clinical signs of IKC. Experiences in culturing this organism are reported. From each sheepflock at least one strain was isolated and characterised in more detail. All Dutch strains, including two strains of M. conjunctivae isolated from sheep milk, as well as type strain HRC 581, formed film and spots which is in contrast with the description of the type strain. All strains, including the type strain, failed to grow in an anaerobic atmosphere generated by GasPak anaerobic system (BBL). Moraxella ovis was detected in nearly all flocks and was apparently not associated with IKC. Mycoplasma arginini was also isolated from ovine eyes.