13C NMR spectroscopic study of epoxidized 1,4‐polyisoprene and 1,4‐polybutadiene

Partly epoxidized cis‐ and trans‐1,4‐polyisoprenes and cis‐and trans‐1,4‐polybutadienes were prepared, and their 13C NMR spectra examined. All the prominent resonances in the spectra of the epoxidized polymers were assigned by using lanthanide shift reagent and off‐resonance decoupling experiments. A 13C NMR method of quantitative assessment of the epoxide content was developed following determination of relative spin‐lattice relaxation time (T1) and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) parameters of the various carbons in the epoxidized polyisoprenes and polybutadienes.