Dynamic digital subtraction imaging using fast low-angle shot MR movie sequence.

High-quality magnetic resonance (MR) images can be recorded within seconds with the use of fast low-angle shot (FLASH) MR imaging. This technique also gives new access to the time evolution of both periodic functions, such as cardiac motion, and nonperiodic physiologic processes, such as flow within internal organs. The time course and regional distribution of dynamic processes detectable by FLASH MR moviesare often demonstrated best within series of difference images obtained by digital subtraction of the original data, especially after the use of MR contrast agents. In addition, quantitative information is provided by the analysis of time-intensity profiles for selected regions of interest. Dynamic digital subtraction MR imaging was evaluated in rabbit brain and kidney using a 2.3-T, 40-cm-bore magnet. The time resolution was 1.5 seconds for brain studies and 28 seconds for kidney studies. The total examination times were 51.5 and 30 minutes, respectively.

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