Before and After: How has the SNO NC measurement changed things?

We present "Before and After" global oscillation solutions, as well as predicted "Before and After" values and ranges for nine future solar neutrino observables. The ``Before'' case includes all solar neutrino data (and some theoretical improvements) available prior to April 20, 2002 and the ``After'' case includes, in addition, the new SNO data on the CC, NC, and day-night asymmetry. The LMA solution is the only currently allowed MSW oscillation solution at a CL of 98.8 %. The LOW solution is allowed only at 2.5 sigma, SMA at 3.7 sigma, and pure sterile oscillations at 5.4 sigma. Small mixing angles are ``out''(pure sterile is ``way out''); MSW with large mixing angles is definitely ``in''. Vacuum oscillations are allowed, but not robustly, at 2.1 sigma. Precise maximal mixing is excluded at 3.2 sigma for MSW solutions and at 2.8 sigma for vacuum solutions. Most of the predicted values for future observables for the BOREXINO, KamLAND, and future SNO measurements are changed only by minor amounts by the inclusion of the recent SNO data. In order to evaluate the effects of spectral energy distortions, we have performed calculations both with and without using the detailed experimental data provided by the SNO collaboration.

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