The performance of a slow-scan camera system using a silicon CCD fabricated specifically to have good performance in th near-rn a detector for Raman spectroscopy is described. The capabilities of the red-enhanced CCD for producing high-quality spectra with red excitation wavelengths at moderate laser powers and relatively short integration times are demonstrated using benzoic acid. The SNR performance is compared to a conventional CCD and an intensified photodiode array. Utility of the red-enhanced CCD system for a variety of applications is demonstrated with near-JR examples of resonance Raman, SERS, and conventional Raman with a low-power source. Problems associated with the sensitivity of CCDs in general, and the red-enhanced CCD in particular, to highenergy particles are described. Methods for minimizing the problem by adding shielding, using only the illuminated part of the detector, using multiple exposures, and using the minimum amount of binning necessary are presented.