We describe an algorithm to estimate a discrete signal from its noisy observation, using a library of orthonormal bases (consisting of various wavelets, wavelet packets, and local trigonometric bases) and the information-theoretic criterion called minimum description length (MDL). The key to effective random noise suppression is that the signal component in the data may be represented efficiently by one or more of the bases in the library, whereas the noise component cannot be represented efficiently by any basis in the library. The MDL criterion gives the best compromise between the fidelity of the estimation result to the data (noise suppression) and the efficiency of the representation of the estimated signal (signal compression): it selects the 'best' basis and the 'best' number of terms to be retained out of various bases in the library in an objective manner. Because of the use of the MDL criterion, our algorithm is free from any parameter setting or subjective judgments. This method has been applied usefully to various geophysical datasets containing many transient features.

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