?-Glucuronidase activity in trained red and white skeletal muscle of mice

We studied the effects of prolonged running exercise (5 days a week, 1.5 h per day at a speed of 17.6 m/min) on the activity of some acid hydrolases (Β-glucuronidase, Β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, acid phosphatase and cathepsin D) and three enzymes of energy metabolism (cytochrome c oxidase, lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase) in the distal and in the proximal, the predominantly white and red parts, respectively, of the vastus lateralis-muscle from mice. The acid hydrolase activity levels were 1.24–1.69 higher in untrained red muscle compared to untrained white muscle. The light training applied increased the activity of Β-glucuronidase in both red and white muscle. No other significant training effects were observed in the enzyme activities measured.