Electronic and rotational energy relaxation in molecular helium

We have selectively pumped the He2(aΣu+3, v=0, J=5)He2(eΠg3, v=0, J=6) transition of molecular helium with the light produced by a pulsed dye laser, and we have subsequently followed by fluorescence measurements on a nanosecond time scale both the relaxation of the electronic excitation energy and the energy redistribution among rotational sublevels of the eΠ3 state. The radiative deexcitation rate of the upper electronic state is 6.2×107 sec1; the corresponding two-body quenching rate by collisions with neutral helium atoms at 295°K is 7.1×1011 cm3 sec1. The total two-body rotational relaxation rate of the J=6 level by collisions with neutrals is 5.8×1010 cm3 sec1. While collisions with ΔJ=±1 account for more than 60% of total rotational transfer, it is necessary to include a substantial probability of multiquantum rotational transitions in order to explain the observed results.

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