Minimum Requirements for Substrates of Mammalian tRNA 3‘ Processing Endoribonuclease

Mammalian tRNA 3‘ processing endoribonuclease (3‘ tRNase) removes a 3‘ trailer after the discriminator nucleotide from precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA). To elucidate the minimum requirements for 3‘ tRNase substrates, we tested small pre-tRNAArg substrates lacking the D and anticodon stem−loop domain for cleavage by purified pig 3‘ tRNase. A small pre-tRNA (R-ATW) composed of an acceptor stem, an extra loop, a T stem−loop domain, a discriminator nucleotide, and a 3‘ trailer was cleaved more efficiently than the full-length wild type. The catalytic efficiencies of three R-ATW derivatives, which were constructed to destroy the original T stem base pairs, were also higher than that of the full-length wild type. Pig 3‘ tRNase efficiently processed a “minihelix” (R-ATM5) that consists of a T stem−loop domain, an acceptor stem, a discriminator nucleotide, and a 3‘ trailer, while the enzyme never cleaved a “microhelix” that is composed of a T loop, an acceptor stem, a discriminator nucleotide, and a 3‘ trailer. Five R-ATM5 derivatives that have one to seven base substitutions in the T loop were all cleaved slightly more efficiently than the full-length wild type and slightly less efficiently than R-ATM5. A helix (“minihelixΔ1”) one base pair smaller than minihelices was a good substrate, while small helices containing a continuous 10-base pair stem were poor substrates. The cleavage of these three small substrates occurred after the discriminator and one to three nucleotides downstream of the discriminator. From these results, we conclude that minimum substrates for efficient cleavage by mammalian 3‘ tRNase are minihelices or minihelicesΔ1, in which there seem to be no essential bases.