An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of salmonellae was developed and evaluated by using artificially contaminated specimens of poultry feed, feces, litter, or carcass rinsings, and naturally contaminated water samples. Specimens containing salmonellae of serogroups B or C2 inhibited the binding of polyvalent anti-O serum to microtiter plate wells coated with lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella typhimurium (serogroup B) or Salmonella albany (serogroup C2), respectively. Treatment of specimens with Rhozyme 41 (a protease) inhibited nonspecific reactions. The ELISA detected 106 of 111 culture-positive specimens contaminated with salmonellae of serogroups B or C2. Nineteen of 20 specimens containing salmonellae of serogroup C1 and all of 36 culture-negative specimens were ELISA negative. All seven water samples that contained salmonellae of serogroups B or C2, including three that were culture positive only after delayed secondary enrichment, were ELISA positive. Seven of the nine water samples that contained salmonellae of other serogroups, and all 38 culture-negative samples, were ELISA negative. The ELISA was simple to perform, produced results in 48 h, and was more economical than culture methods.