Does Impaired Executive Functioning Differentially Impact Verbal Memory Measures in Older Adults with Suspected Dementia?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether executive dysfunction differentially impacts list-learning and story recall tasks in a sample of older adults referred for suspected cognitive impairment. Older adults (N = 61) with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or probable mild dementia, and those who did not meet criteria for diagnosis of dementia, were assessed using measures of executive function and verbal memory. Two groups were established based on performance on measures of executive function: (a) the No Executive Dysfunction group (NoED; n = 33) consisted of persons without impairment on any obtained measures of executive function; and (b) the Executive Dysfunction group (ED; n = 28) contained persons with impairment on at least one of the measures of executive function. The two groups were compared on performance on two measures of verbal memory, the California Verbal Learning Test—II (CVLT-II) and the Logical Memory (LM) subtest from the Wechsler Memory Scale—Revised (WMS-R). The NoED group performed significantly better than the ED group on the total learning and short delay free recall trials of the CVLT-II. However, there were no significant differences between the groups on the other indices of the CVLT-II (i.e., long delay free recall, recognition, recall repetitions, recall intrusions, or recognition false-positives) or on the immediate and delayed recall trials of the LM measure. These results support previous research demonstrating the impact of executive dysfunction on the acquisition of and short-delay retrieval of verbal information in older adults with suspected cognitive impairment.