Tunneling-time probability distribution

Localized wave-packet tunneling through a one-dimensional potential barrier is investigated with respect to the distribution of tunneling times. Specifically, we construct a quantity— termed the ‘‘tunneled flux’’—which has properties of a tunneling-time probability distribution. The tunneled flux is determined completely in terms of the time evolution of an initially localized wave packet. The tunneled flux and the corresponding tunneling-time distributions are investigated analytically via a semiclassical approximation. Additionally, numerical studies are performed with both the semiclassical and quantal versions of the tunneled flux. The semiclassical calculation qualitatively reproduces numerical tunneled fluxes, converging quantitatively as ħ→0. It also provides a wealth of insight into the nature of tunneling processes. Our principle conclusions are as follows: (i) There is an essential disparity between the time- and energy-domain pictures of wave-packet tunneling; (ii) the tunneling-time distribution can be modeled as an exponential of a skewed Lorentzian function, with a width governed primarily by the phase-space asymmetry of the initial wave packet; and (iii) tunneling is faster than simple classical motion from one side of the barrier to another, even assuming an instantaneous transit between the turning points. Effectively, the barrier acts as a filter for the high-momentum components of the initial wave packet.