Study of the Second2+State inCa42,Ca44, andTi48

The third excited state of Ca42 (at 2.42 MeV), the fourth excited state of Ca44 (at 2.66 MeV), and the third excited state of Ti48 (at 2.42 MeV) have been studied. The experimental method used to study these states was that of gamma-gamma angular correlations from aligned nuclei produced by nuclear reactions (method I of Litherland and Ferguson). Previous experiments suggested a spin assignment of 2+ for these states; our results confirm this assignment. The E2M1 multipole mixing ratios for the 22+21+ transitions are as follows: Ca42 (δ=+0.20±0.10), Ca44 (δ=+0.14±0.07), and Ti48 (δ=0.18±0.09).