Evaluation of a “Nude” Mouse-Human Tumor Panel as a Predictive Secondary Screen for Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents2

Nine established human melanoma tissue-cultured cell lines heterotransplanted In C57BL/6 “nude” mice were exposed to each of 4 chemotherapeutic agents of known clinical activity against human melanoma. Two of the therapeutic agents, 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and 5-(3,3-dlmethyl-1-triazino) imidazole-4-carboxamide (OTIC), are known to be active against human melanoma; the other two, adriamycin and 5-azacytidine, are known to be Inactive. Sterile saline served as a control agent. In 2 cell line heterotransplants, the control tumor spontaneously regressed. Of the 7 cell lines that remained for evaluation, 4 were sensitive to OTIC, 1 was sensitive to BCNU, and none was sensitive to adrlamycln or 5-azacytldlne. These data Indicate that the nude mouse-human tumor model may be a predictive secondary screen for cancer chemotherapeutic agents.