Chromosome Painting in Highly Irradiated Chernobyl Victims: A Follow-up Study to Evaluate the Stability of Symmetrical Translocations and the Influence of Clonal Aberrations for Retrospective Dose Estimation

Follow-up fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) measurements of symmetrical translocations were performed in peripheral blood lymphocytes from 12 highly irradiated victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident biannually, between September 1991 and July 1994, to investigate the persistence of these aberration type with time post-exposure. Translocations were determined using biotin-labelled painting DNA probes for human chromosomes 1, 4 and 12 and a digoxigenin-labelled alpha-satellite pancentromeric DNA probe. In 11 of 12 cases the translocation frequencies remained fairly constant during the observation period, which allows to generate comparable dose estimates on the various sampling times. In one case (no. 9) the existence of a cell clone containing the consistent chromosome rearrangement t(1;13) (q25;q14) was identified using FISH in rehybridized slides with a digoxigenin-labelled painting DNA probe for chromosome 13 and a separate G-banding analysis. To obtain reliable dose estimates, total translocation frequency has to be corrected for the high contribution (16.5-23.5%) of this clonal translocation.