Aluminium was determined in 282 cans of infant formulae and evaporated milks sold in Canada using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Milk‐based formulae contained average (range) concentrations of 0.129 (0.010–0.36), 0.217 (0.17–0.56) and 0.717 (0.19–2.49) μg/g ('as sold') in ready‐to‐use, concentrated liquid and powder formulae, respectively. The corresponding concentrations in the soy‐based formulae were 1.98 (0.40–6.4), 1.41 (0.59–2.29) and 9.44 (3.15–18.0) μg/g. Evaporated milk contained 0.093 (0.022–0.34) μg/g. The levels varied extensively according to formula brand; e.g. for ready‐to‐use formulae, the range of average concentrations by formula brand were 0.42–3.28 μg/g for soy‐based and 0.020–0.22 μg/g for milk‐based products. Estimated aluminium ingestion from formula or milk by infants up to 3 months old ranged from 0.5 μg per kg body weight per day ( μg/kg/day) or 2 μg/day for 0–1 month olds fed cow milk exclusively to 219 μg/kg/day (1260 μg/day) for 1–3 month olds fed only soy‐based formulae. Consumption of only the formulae brand having the highest mean aluminium level (3.28 μg/g) by 1–3 month old infants could result in an intake of 363 μg/kg/day (2088 μg/day). The estimates assume that the sole source of aluminium is the formula or milk and do not include any potential contribution from other foods or water.