Manganese Metabolism in College Men Consuming Vegetarian Diets

Manganese balance was studied in eight college men consuming a vegetarian diet low in protein. The diet was supplemented with either a vegetable protein food or the vegetable protein food plus skim milk powder. The values for total mean daily manganese intake, excretion and retention were 7.07, 3.74 and 3.34 mg, respectively. The mean daily intake, excretion and retention for each subject by periods are reported. In addition, the mean daily intakes and retentions are expressed on the basis of body height (cm) and body weight (kg). All subjects were in positive balance throughout the study. Regression analyses of manganese retention on manganese intake indicated that correction of retention for either height or weight explains twice the variation in retention when compared with the uncorrected retention data. Due to the high correlation between height and weight, it was not possible in this study to determine which of the two has more influence on retention.