Family History and Cerebral Ventricular Enlargement in Schizophrenia

Ventricular size was measured from CT scans in 48 patients meeting RDC for schizophrenia who had a first-degree relative with a history of treatment for major psychiatric disorder, in 48 age- and sex-matched schizophrenic patients with no such history in first- or second-degree relatives, and in 48 matched, healthy controls. There was no difference in ventricular size between those with and without a positive family history, although both groups showed ventricular enlargement with respect to normal controls. Ventricular enlargement was demonstrated in the subgroup of 23 patients with a family history of schizophrenia, but not in the subgroup of 18 patients with a family history of affective disorder. These observations provide further evidence that schizophrenics with a family history of affective disorder may constitute an aetiologically distinct subgroup.