Neuron culture from adult goldfish

Neurons and gla from the central nervous system of the adult teleost Carassius auratus have been grown as explant cultures of minced brain tissue and as trypsin dissociated cells. These cultures exhibit extensive neurite growth from two neuronal types, have organotypic ultrastructure, and contain electrically active cells.Autoradiographic data indicate that these neurons do not divide in culture, and histological evidence suggests that some mature neurons survive explantation and regenerate processes. However, explantation of brain fragments not containing undifferentiated cells, localized in the ventricular and subventricular zones in the brains of fish, resulted in mesenchymal and glial cell cultures only. Therefore, a contribution to the population of cells in culture by undifferentiated cells must be considered.The cultured neurons remained viable for at least 19 weeks and ultrastructural and electrophysiological data indicate synaptic interaction between cells in explant cultures.